Monday, October 12, 2009

What free/cheap and EASY web design software do you recommend?

My boss is passing the torch of maintaining and designing our website on to me. We already have a host/provider, so please no suggestions that I set up a site through Yahoo or Google. What I need to know is what kind of software exists that will allow me to easily create web pages for any platform. I%26#039;ve heard of Microsoft Frontpage and am considering it, but I%26#039;d also like to know what else is out there.

Also, I%26#039;m a PC person, and my boss built the original site on a Mac. Please take that into consideration. And, if you don%26#039;t mind, speak in terms that those of us who aren%26#039;t computer whizzes can understand.

Thanks so much!

What free/cheap and EASY web design software do you recommend?

NVU is a great program.

Frontpage is lame.


Kompozer is the upgraded version of NVU with different features.

There is also Dreamweaver, which costs money, and is not cheap.

What free/cheap and EASY web design software do you recommend?

I say Dreamweaver, depending on how long you need it, you can download a 30 day trial version from adobe%26#039;s website. They alot of templates set-up for you that you can easily modify as a beginner.

Other Replys:BlueVoda is really cool and easy to use - For free!!

It%26#039;s great.

Other Replys:Well if I had a boss that built a website and wanted me to take it over I know it would mean that I would be redesigning it as well as maintaining it. I would not be concerned with price of the software either as he will write it off as a business expense anyhow. After all the web is the cheapest form of advertising available.

I would recommend you get a copy of Dreamweaver and stay as far away from frontpage as you can. Dreamweaver will write code that is far closer to compliant with the international standards then frontpage. I wold also be sure to test the pages in multiple browsers as well as multiple versions of the same browser prior to releasing it to public view.

You really don%26#039;t need the latest version of Dreamweaver but you should get at least version 8 of the program. You will also want to learn (x)HTML, CSS, JavaScript and possibly MySQL, PHP or Flash.

If the boss complains about the cost of Dreamweaver you can show him the Macromedia Studios or even the Adobe Studios as buying the studios while they are more expensive as a one time price you can save hundreds of dollars off the individual pricing. Another consideration would be that him purchasing the tools you will need to do a professional job for him is actually saving him the money it would cost to hire a professional web designer / developer to fulfill his web needs.

Other Replys:Buy photoshop or else you may contact a web designer at websites like

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